Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tip#6: Bonus Champ Feeds

So once you get a champ, even if you miss feeding him (/rage), you'll inevitably reach lvl 6 at which point you'll be able to, once again, feed your champ (troll?). In any case, the best approach once you finally reach the final feed here (Bonus 3), is to wait to feed your champ for as long as you can up to 47h 59mins. Note that you can feed your champ every 24 hours, but he won't actually 'starve' until 48 hours is up.

If your Crabatrons are lvl 5, this will save you about 1,800,000 goo every 24 hours.

Tip#5: Noob? Get that extra worker with that shiny

If you're just getting started on your backyard and are wondering how to best spend that shiny that is inevitably burning a hole in your pocket, I'd recommend taking that extra 3rd worker (
250 (x2 for next purchase)) and a yard expansion (50 (+50 for next purchase)) which can be purchased at the general store.

Map Room lvl 3 (he he)

Trying to figure some $#!T out

So I'm trying to figure out the rhyme/reason/formula for how much time you save when you 'help' your friends with they're upgrades. For now I'll just post the samples until I figurez it out.

Sep 29

Pebble Shiner lvl 4-5
1h49m (109m) left
Saved 5 mins

Twig Snapper lvl 3-4
45m30s left
Saved 2 mins

Storage Silo lvl 2-3
40 mins left
Saved 1 min

Tesla Tower lvl 3-4
1d 14h 5m (1440+840+5 = 2285 mins)
Saved 1h 54mins (114 mins)

Twig Snapper lvl 4-5
1h40m (100m) left
Saved 4 mins

Sep 28

Storage Silo lvl 3-4
19m (1140s) left
saved 57s

Tip#4: "oh you get shiny from some mushroms"

N: oh you get shiny from some mushroms
Me: yeee


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tip#3: Farm them Kozu, How-to

It seems like an obvious one when you get to the world map, but just in case it's not I'll state it for ya: (almost)never take over a Kozu base for an outpost! There's some rare circumstances in which you may want to replace a Kozu with one of your outposts, but keep in mind Kozu tribes are the best for farming resources!

~World View

Now... With that being said, here's a quick guide with some pretty pictures (paint is still relevant!) on how I like to raid a Kozu tribe while trying to keep my goo usage to an absolute minimum.

Level 42 Kozu Tribe.

I attack with my champ (lvl 6 Gorgo) from the North represented by the direction of that high budget CGI circle/arrow.

After my champ destroys the first 4 obstacles, he heads NE towards the Sniper Tower. I then send in a wave of 10 Ichi and 10 Banditos. The Ichi are to head South and East to destroy those Tesla Towers to clear the way for a Zafreeti I'm about to send in, and the Banditos are to head East to destroy that Housing to make room for another 10 pack of Ichi.

Circled you can see the 10 other Ichi I send in while my Gorgo draws fire from that Sniper Tower and Tesla Tower. I Accidentally sent in 11 though, and because of my OCD I raged XD.

Circled is the Zafreeti I send in, which will eventually head North-East to start healing my Gorgo.

Normally I would have to send my Gorgo back to finish it off. If Gorgo could use it, I may also send in another Zafreeti which would raise his total health during the attack ~another good tip on how to heal your champ ;)

It's also worth mentioning that when I sent my Gorgo in the first wave he was a little less than 3/4 health, and after the second wave with the Zafreeti he was almost completely healed. This is a good way to heal your champ for continual attacks.

21 Ichi (x24,000ea) 504,000
2 Zafreeti (x468,000ea) 936,000
10 Bandito (x14,400ea) 144,000
Total Goo 1,584,000

A lvl 42 Kozu tribe will usually yield around the following:
Twigs 5,000,000
Pebbles 5,000,000
Putty 5,000,000
Goo 2,500,00

A lvl 33 Kozu tribe will yield around the following (I got the following result with only a lvl 6 Gorgo Bonus 2 which took about 70,514 dmg):
Twigs 3,811,558
Pebbles 4,127,739
Putty 4,160,838
Goo 2,037,823

A lvl 36 Kozu tribe will yield around the following (I got the following result with only a lvl 6 Gorgo Bonus 2 which took about 60,381 dmg):
Twigs 6,095,945
Pebbles 5,439,345
Putty 5,388,785
Goo 2,837,197

Depending on the level of the Kozu tribe that you are raiding, you can adjust how many units
you send in. Note the reason for the waves (ie. removing towers to protect Zafreeti).

I've only ever used a Gorgo for this so if you have another champ I would imagine things may be a bit different. If you do things differently let me know!

Tip#2: Outpost Defense - Upgrade them resource collectors

Upgrade your resource collectors to at least level 3 asap. It makes them look bigger and gives your base an overall more intimidating look. To a potential raider, they appear to be between level 3-5 as well.

Lvl 1 - 2

Lvl 3 - 5

Tip#1: Pwnin a Champ

Drulls can be pretty OP. I personally took the Gorgo, and 1vs1 the Gorgo could easily take the Drull at younger levels (1-5). Now though, not even 2 healers+1 lvl6 Gorgo can take a lvl6 Drull. Anyway, it's still not that hard if you think about it.

Champions, especially Drulls, do a large amount of damage every single attack - this is why Drulls have the advantage in a 1vs1 at lvl 6 vs a Gorgo. That being said, champs still have a limited attack speed (ex. 1 attack per second, 8000 damage per attack = 8000 dps but only on a single target)

The best approach to taking out any champ is simply using numbers. I personally prefer using about 10-20 Banditos (mine are fairly high level now, but just use more if you need to).

It's a brand new day :)

Welcome to our new blog/strategy guide! Basically, we (myself and allies) love this game and figured we could pool some of our hard earned experience into a blog from which all our potential opponents can also use (good strategy so far huh?). Anyway! Hopefully you find these little nuggets useful. And if you like what you see/hear, feel less than obligated to support us by clicking on some of the shiny links hangin' around :)
